Hot Water Extraction Carpet Cleaning

Our professional hot water extraction carpet cleaning process ensures your carpets are thoroughly cleaned and no residue is left behind. Our cleaning method begins with a detailed inspection to identify heavily soiled, stained, or damaged areas that require special attention. Next, thorough vacuuming is performed to remove as much dry soil as possible before the wet cleaning process begins. We then treat and agitate the carpet with a professional solution to loosen the soil. Using a powerful truck mount and rotary extraction wand, we then inject hot water mixed with an extraction agent deep into the carpet fibers. This solution is immediately extracted, along with the loosened dirt and allergens, by a powerful vacuum system, leaving the carpet slightly damp but never wet. A finishing spray is then applied to restore a neutral pH, leaving your carpet soft and fresh. Finally, we ensure your carpet dries efficiently, leaving it fresh, clean, and vibrant, restoring the beauty and comfort of your home.